Adopt a Place Agreement

We have "adopted" some flower beds in the gardens as part of Barnet Council's Adopt a Place scheme. A copy of the latest agreement is below for reference. I am not publishing the PDF as sent to the council as it contains an email address that I do not want to publish.

Adopt a place

Contract agreement between the London Borough of Barnet (the Council) and

The Adoptee: Friends of Highlands Gardens
c/o Charles Wicksteed
18 Abbotts Road
New Barnet
020 8440 3030
(email address redacted)

For the maintenance of (Please describe the feature): Flower beds round the pond in Highlands Gardens

Site location and address: Highlands Gardens, Leicester Road, New Barnet.

until: 30 November 2017

Adoptee representative

Name: Charles Wicksteed
Position: Committee Member
Date: 26 October 2015


Weeding, pruning, planting new plants, watering of new plants. Once a month. Less often in winter. To be clear, we will not be mowing the grass in the designated area.


Keep it looking nice, as best we can. We will not be able to get rid of the weeds, but we will clear the top growth round the most choice plants.

The Council’s commitments

Skill-sharing and support: none needed.

Tools and materials: we will provide our own tools. We would be grateful for a load of compost as a top dressing at some point, which we will spread.

Description of site

Highlands Gardens, Leicester Road, New Barnet. Near postcode EN5 5EB.

The pond in Highlands Gardens is divided in two by a bridge, making an upper half and a lower half. Each half is surrounded by a fence, which encloses the pond and the surrounding flower beds and a few trees. The fence round the upper half also encloses an area of lawn.

The adopted area is the flower beds inside the fence of both the lower and upper halves. It is currently populated by a mixture of trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, grasses, bulbs and a few biennials which self-seed.

The islands in the pond are included in the adopted area.

The line of the fence is shown in red in the map below. The adopted area is the flower beds within this boundary.
