Minutes 17 July 2021


Present:     Apologies:
Helen Oubridge (Treasurer)
Rebecca Hanley
David Nyman
Charles Wicksteed (Chair and Minutes)
Derek Brimson
Eamonn Cannon
Jonathan Freedman
Rachel Adema
Donald Lowry
    Anna Cordell
Patrick Gaskell-Taylor

1 Treasurer’s report

Two years 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2021. There was no AGM in 2020.

Balance brought forward: £785.58
Income: £155.00
Expenditure: £232.02
Balance carried forward: £708.56

We didn't take out any insurance in 2020 as we had no public events. Expense summary available on request.

2 Responsibilities for FoHG committee

Agreement to remain:

  • Charles, Chair and FoHG website
  • Helen, Treasurer
  • Anna, Secretary

Committee members:

  • Rebecca
  • David
  • Patrick
  • Rachel

We will notify the full mailing list of any committee meetings as everyone is welcome.

3 Events

Dave will notify people of ad hoc dates for gardening sessions according to the weather. Email the webmaster if you would like to be added to his list.

Rebecca will make a banner, as it is cheaper than leaflets.

We do not plan a major event in the gardens this year. If we do next year, we plan to deliver about 600 leaflets.

4 News

Resurfacing of the paths is on the council's to-do list. All the benches are due to be replaced, probably with benches removed from other parks as part of a scheme to make the benches all match in any given park.

The arch has been planted up: feel free to keep the weeds down.

Many fish have been seen, but they are not always visible.

The pump for the stream was running briefly on 25th June, but is now stopped.

The film "23 Walks" was filmed in this area, with some scenes in the gardens.

There are some Turkey Oak seedlings near the main gate, and we plan to stake one so that it is allowed to grow. We reckon that it is in a suitable place to grow to maturity and replace the nearby Horse Chestnut which is diseased.

Derek is planning to put up some bird boxes.